Independent Contractor Prospects
Fabulous Freelancers
AGZ is looking for Freelancers who have specific skills to come on board to complete identified projects such as video editing, graphic design, and other one times and projects
Outsourced Workers
If you are looking for autonomy as a worker and want to have flexibility in how you do that work, AGZ may have a position that will meet your needs. Send us a proposal through the link below.
Commissioned Earners
AGZ is committed to buying, selling, trading and helping others. We have opportunities for people to become part of our commission-based sales force and marketing teams. Send us a proposal.
Schedule Time to Talk
We're interested in Independent Contractors who can meet our needs and sell us on what they can do. To get regular updates on who we are looking for, click on the "Get In Touch" button on the right. Thanks!
Looking for You?
Are you innovative? Do you have entrepreneurial ideas? Are you interested in collectibles? AGZ may have a place for you. Submit your proposal by clicking on the link to the right.